
Entry Ikala
Part of speech name (anthroponym) [full list]
Explanations in Malagasy Teny entina milaza zazavavy ka: 1) tononina mialoha ny anarany: Tsy hita ny nalehan' Ikala Soa, nefa tadiavin-dreniny izy; 2) atao eo alohana mpamaritra anarana mamingavinga ka entina maneso na manompa: Ikala adala, Ikala tsy mahita ny viliany iny! [1.1]
Explanations in English A girl, a wench, a woman. It is also used for the female of animals, especially of fowls. [1.2]
 A common name for women and girls, usually disrespectful, often used to form expressions of abuse [1.7]
Explanations in French Nom propre de femme; familier, souvent péjoratif; sert à former des sobriquets péjoratifs [1.8]
1Ikala Soa zandriko nanambady zanak' olona mpiavy. [2.445]
2nefa tsy hitan-dRafara sy Ikala izay nidirany tao. [2.69]

Updated on 2023/10/28